Fact-checking and fake news in the Colombian and Chilean context

Journalists and NGOs around the world have made efforts to counteract disinformation through verification platforms and strategies, this was the topic of the virtual conversation on fake news and fact-checking in the Colombian and Chilean context, led by Makaia in September, with the participation of Andrés Sáenz, Director of CIVIX Colombia, Ana Maria Saavedra, Director of Colombiacheck and Fabián Padilla, Director of Fast Check CL, who shared their main actions and results to prevent the proliferation of fake news through verification and corroboration tools that demonstrate the veracity of the information and news disseminated on digital platforms.

Fact-checking as we know it today was born with Factchecker.org, a site launched in December 2003 by Brooks Jackson, a former Associated Press, Wall Street Journal and CNN reporter, who turned it into a unit of the Poynter Institute dedicated to bringing together fact-checkers from around the world.