One of the components developed in the Briceño coffee value chain connected with the world is the business, technical and technological strengthening of a locally based associative model. In this line, we accompany 3 local associations in the improvement of their business, technical and digital capacities, starting from an organizational diagnosis and progressing to the implementation of plans in different areas for their internal strengthening.
One of these associations is ASDESEBRI: Association for Productive, Economic, Social and Ecological Development of the municipality of Briceño. In March 2020 we began the process with them seeking to improve their administrative, accounting and financial processes, for which we identified the main difficulties they had and, based on what we found, we created an organizational improvement plan.

In this initial stage, the members of the Board and some associates were linked, contributing elements to have a global vision of the organization and define the main needs. To work on the difficulties encountered, we jointly built an organizational improvement plan that has been gradually applied and has yielded good results, including the restructuring of the Board of Directors, the expansion of the associative base and the visibility of the association through of digital channels.
At the beginning of the process, many of ASDESEBRI’s associates were inactive. Currently, it has 40 associated coffee growers, of which 20 are part of the Briceño coffee value chain connected with the world project and have received technical assistance and training in its other components, which opens up great possibilities for the development of commercial processes leveraged by local producers of coffee.
Now, the association’s commitment is to consolidate a commercial proposal to increase its coffee sales and have benefits for its associates.

Learn more about the Café de Briceño project connected to the world here.