Cybersecurity is one of the most important challenges in digital transformation

The growth of Internet use, driven by innovations and the development of new technologies, has created a long-term challenge to manage security risks as the world increasingly depends on being interconnected.

In general, organizations do not know or neglect the risks to which anyone who is connected to the internet is exposed, since most do not believe that they can be victims of attacks, either through a smartphone or through a personal computer, it may also be because they do not have enough budget to implement solid security measures.

Organizations should always try to answer the following questions: what information do I have? Where do I have it? and, who has access to it? This implies being aware that the digital age, in addition to improving quality of life, has also brought risks to privacy.

What can be the threats to organizations?

  • Organizations are constantly attacked, and antiviruses are the ones that work the most by eliminating malware that arrives incessantly by email, but the risks go much further and there are even attacks that can put their operability at risk.
  • Among the biggest threats to consider we have phishing, this type of attack can occur by any means in which criminals have contact with users such as social networks, application stores, emails, and other means. This is costing organizations huge losses of both sensitive information and money.
  • On the other hand, ransomware is another of the biggest threats that affect organizations, through this malicious software “hijacks” access to data and demands money as a reward. The incidence rate of this type of attack every year increases and indiscriminately affects all types of organizations.


Cybersecurity is the discipline that is responsible for protecting the security of equipment such as computers, smartphones, software, hardware, and networks, in addition, it focuses on protecting the information they store.

This specialty is based on the use of tools to keep cybercriminals and their attacks at bay. The use of antivirus is a tool that almost everyone knows, but there are many more specialized tools such as the use of private networks (VPN), data encryption, and proxy servers, among others.

Basic recommendations 

Every organization must take certain measures to protect its data, although there is nothing that provides 100% protection, strengthening security will greatly reduce the risks.

The 7 security measures that everyone should take are:

  • Install an antivirus and keep it updated: applying the latest updates to the antivirus ensures that it can perform its function optimally.
  • Do not open emails and links without knowing the origin of these: most attacks enter through these channels and the only way to protect yourself is to delete the messages without opening them or downloading the attached content.
  • Update operating systems: because computer attacks are constantly renewed, software updates are developed to correct vulnerabilities and security flaws, therefore, you should be alert to install the latest versions.
  • Use strong passwords: not only is it enough to create a strong password, but you also must use a different one for each account.
  • Make backups: in case of data loss, it is essential to have backups or backups to restore the information and operability of the company.
  • Protect all levels: generally, people who work in organizations do so from their devices, therefore, these teams must be included in the cybersecurity strategy and provide them with protection measures.
  • Use private networks (VPN): This measure is of utmost importance in the business environment since it allows guaranteed access to data and information of the company only to authorized personnel.

Threat readiness and information-sharing capabilities can help organizations identify and prevent emerging risks more quickly and effectively. Innovative cloud security technologies, data analytics, monitoring, authentication, and open-source software can be powerful tools for risk managers.

Everyone needs to know why cybersecurity is important, as no one is safe. Cyberattacks do not stop increasing and causing great damage, but if concrete actions are taken this can change.

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