Participate in Contigo Conectados virtual talks

Tigo’s Corporate Social Responsibility Program, Contigo Conectados, aimed at Responsible and Creative Use of the Internet, invites all public and private organizations in the areas where the strategy operates (Atlantic Coast, Eje Cafetero, Santanderes, Antioquia, Valle del Cauca and Bogotá) to be part of the group of beneficiaries and receive the virtual talks of the Program, on the following topics.

For teachers and teaching managers:

Mediation talk for the responsible and creative use of the internet: learn how to accompany your students in their digital experiences.

Talks and guides for teachers on pedagogical tools for online education: we have developed digital talks and guides of the main tools available on the internet to support parents, caregivers and teachers in learning children at home. We currently have three themes:

  • Tools for learning on the main social networks. Learn about some of the solutions that the main social networks offer for online learning *
  • Tools to make your classes more entertaining In times of isolation it is necessary to maintain the attention and interest of the students using creative tools*
  • Tips for creating digital educational content Learn about the main tools, practices and tips for creating digital educational content*

* Participants in these spaces will receive digital guides for each of the topics covered.

For parents and mediators:

Mediation for the responsible and creative use of the internet: learn how to accompany your children in their digital experiences.

Healthy habits in Internet use: mental and emotional health amid isolation and accelerated virtualization. Discover how to ensure the mental and emotional health of children and adolescents at home.

Digital gap: know how to achieve the reduction of the digital divide at home.

Agreements and routines at home: It is necessary to dialogue around the establishment of routines for responsible and creative use of the internet at home. Learn how to create agreements with your children.

For more information on the scheduling of the talks, contact the email [email protected].

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