International cooperation beyond the mobilization of resources, an opportunity to share experiences and knowledge during and after the pandemic
“A look towards international cooperation in times of pandemic” was the space for dialogue, reflection and dissertation organized by Recon Colombia based on the premise: Why do the analysis of the role of International Cooperation for a post-Covid19 recovery stage?
The post-pandemic world is called upon to strengthen processes and strategies of collaboration, shared responsibility, integration and multilateralism as key instruments that will help to find assertive responses to the problems and impacts derived from the crisis. In this Recon webinar, through the voice of prominent panelists, experts in development cooperation issues, a conversation was fostered to raise the challenges, challenges and opportunities that Colombia will face in the coming stage.

The general director of the Presidential Agency for International Cooperation -APC Colombia-, Angela Ospina de Nicholls, glimpsed the panorama of Cooperation in the country and how Covid19 is currently being addressed and mitigated in the regions of Colombia.
Alejandro Gamboa, expert and consultant in International Cooperation and Development, discussed what will be the role of International Cooperation in Colombia to solve the social and economic problems derived from the pandemic and his expert vision of how the technical and financial resources from Development Cooperation in the country.
And facing the panorama of International Cooperation for the social sector, Catalina Escobar, our Co-founder and Director of Strategy, analyzed the challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs with ideas of social impact:
“Covid-19 is a type 5 hurricane and we are still in the eye. Now we must do whatever it takes to save lives, to protect people’s health, but we must also think about reconstruction from now on. Colombia is not a country so poor that much cooperation arrives, nor are we so rich that we do not need it. Colombia and Latin America are going to be left in the sandwich and action from social entrepreneurship and those who are helping to mitigate the effects in the territories becomes important there”.

At Makaia we develop ICT appropriation processes and support social organizations in accessing information on opportunities for International Cooperation through the Nodo Ká platform, a very useful tool to understand the dynamics in such a changing environment. Likewise, through our international cooperation solutions and expert consultants, we have accompanied different organizations to develop the strategy, formulation and relationship for effective international cooperation.
To know how to access Node Ká visit this link.
At the end of the virtual seminar, Andrés Santamaría Garrido, director of RECON, assured that the most important conclusion left by this Webinar is that “the continuous cooperation strategy, the international commitment continues, the nuances may vary due to the situation. As a reflection, organizations must be more efficient in the management and execution of resources, think about how to impact more people and generate greater transformations”.
View full webinar by clicking here.