Technical assistance to BRICEÑO coffee growers: a boost to coffee culture

155 coffee farmers from the municipality of Briceño are part of the Briceño coffee value chain project connected to the world, of Territories of Opportunity program. They have received support and technical assistance for the strengthening of their production processes and the marketing of special coffees, which boosts coffee culture and improves the quality of life of families in the area.

This accompaniment has been led by A New Sunrise and Urbania, two commercial allies, who since June have been visiting coffee growers on their farms, traveling their crops and knowing the particularities of each one in order to contribute to the improvement of their quality and productivity.

The development of this component in the project began with the census of the coffee producing farms in the Briceño-Palmichal corridor, in which social, economic, technical and demographic factors of each farm, coffee growers and their families were analyzed. In total, 294 families were counted, of which 207 gave coffee sample to perform the cup test and finally 155 were selected for the accompaniment process by A new sunrise and Urbania.

The accompanying plan was built according to the needs and characteristics of each coffee farmer. 80 are being accompanied by A New Sunrise in a standardized way, with the aim of improving the quality of coffee and obtaining better results in cup test. The other 75 producers are being accompanied by Urbania company, with a segmented strengthening plan: 25 coffee growers oriented to obtain coffees with differentiated processes and 50 coffee growers with an accompaniment oriented to the improvement of regional coffee for obtaining special coffees.

In November, the technical team has carried out 155 characterization visits of the farms, has reviewed the status and variety of the crops, as well as the agronomic management and the harvesting and post-harvest processes of the coffee plantations. With this process, coffee growers have managed to recognize the properties of their coffee thanks to the delivery and explanation of the results of the cup test made and with the technical recommendations defined their productive vocation.

After this, the accompaniment has focused on improving the collection processes, grain selection and good profit management, key activities to improve the quality of the coffee cup. Already 134 coffee growers benefited from this second phase of accompaniment.

This process has advanced despite the difficulties brought about by the pandemic, which is also being experienced in rural areas. For this reason, it is necessary to recognize the effort and dedication of the technical team that has done everything possible to ensure that coffee growers benefit from the accompaniment. In turn, each of these activities aims to have measurable results in the 2020 harvest, which range from improving the agronomic management of their crops to obtaining good scores in cup tests. With the qualification of production processes, the aim is to increase the quality of their products, to have value-added alternatives and new market options that allow improving their income and quality of life.

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