June 3, 2006: Catalina, María Claudia and Camilo, our co-founders, materialized an idea in which they had been working with the intention of contributing to the development of the country. 14 years later, we have presence in 21 departments of Colombia and 13 other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, and we have benefited 13,919 organizations and 53,054 people with our projects and services.
Our lines of work are International Cooperation and Technology for social change and the projects we develop are framed within them. Here we tell you a little more:
TECHNOLOGY FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: We work with different audiences on projects that bring technology closer to the lives of people and communities, and to the culture of organizations. Along these lines, we have developed the following initiatives for ICT Appropriation and Digital Transformation.
Academia Geek: In partnership with Agile Innova and E-volution we created an intensive training process so that young people in the city acquire junior web application development skills and can begin their career path in the IT sector. In 2019, 35 young people graduated from the program, of which 74% have a relevant and stable job in Technology companies, are undertaking and / or entered Higher Education. In April of this year, 20 women graduated, of which more than 50% are already working, and at the beginning of July, 16 young people obtained their certification as FrontEnd Jr. Developers.
Escuela de Influenciadores: In 2019 we took on this project of UNICEF and TIGO Colombia, focused on promoting life skills, such as communication, expression, empathy, respect, creativity and innovation among others, that allow for the responsible and creative use of the Internet among Colombian adolescents from 10 to 19 years old. We have trained 2436 adolescents in responsible and creative use of the Internet and, this year, we are executing the project 8 cities in the country.
Contigo Conectados: This project is part of the Tigo Corporate Responsibility Program and focuses on mitigating risks and enhancing opportunities in the use of the Internet by children and adolescents, as well as promoting digital skills in parents, teachers and caregivers that accompany them. We have implemented Contigo Conectados in 6 regions of the country, in which we have benefited more than 205 thousand people.
We promote the incorporation of technology in agriculture through two projects:
Tierra Colombia – Technological transformation: Developed in Meta, in the municipalities of Mesetas, Lejanías and San Juan de Arama. We work in 3 components: Access and connectivity; 2. Culture and ICT appropriation and, 3. Strengthening of the value chain. With this project we have benefited 140 people and connected 2 schools and 5 coffee farms to the internet.
Briceño coffee value chain connected to the world: Developed in Briceño, Antioquia. We work on 4 components: 1. Strengthening of the value chain, 2. Business, technical and technological strengthening of an associative model, 3. Connectivity and, 4. ICT appropriation and development of digital capacities. In this project we have benefited 255 people and 16 organizations.
In both projects we work with coffee growers and their families, teachers from the region, women coffee growers and young people, strengthening their capacities and the appropriation of ICT tools that can be incorporated into their daily activities.

Digital transformation
We have the free Digital Transformation Diagnosis, which has been carried out by 64 organizations since 2019 and in partnership with Google.org we are adapting the model so that it can be carried out by Mipes.
With the Technology Program for the social sector we bring the best technology to the social sector, validating and accompanying social organizations in the process of obtaining software. In these years we have benefited more than 2,500 organizations, with more than 16,000 donated licenses, saving 6 million dollars for the social sector.
In this area we also have a series of training and implementation solutions to accompany organizational change and make technology an ally for organizations. The solutions we develop are: email configuration, Google Ad Grants configuration, Office 365 implementation and document management training. We have worked on these processes with organizations such as the Rehabilitation Committee and the Berta Martínez Foundation, with successful results.
Nodo Ká: Nodo Ká is the platform we created in 2013 to open the door to opportunities for resource mobilization. We have 5,211 organizations registered in Nodo Ká, where they can access calls and opportunities to facilitate the mobilization of financial, technical and educational resources for and for social impact.
Training and consulting: We promote the development of capacities for the social sector around the mobilization of resources, promoting training and advice that helps organizations expand their knowledge and skills to achieve resources. For this reason we have designed a training program and solutions that include: Training processes (workshops and courses) on resource mobilization, identification of opportunities, formulation and management of projects; Accompaniment in the construction of an international cooperation agenda; Identification and analysis of opportunities for resource mobilization, and accompaniment in relation to national and international cooperators.
Likewise, since the coronavirus contingency began, we have developed a webinar cycle for social organizations, in which 597 people and 478 organizations have participated.

Each alliance and proposal that we have made during these years have allowed us to remain constant in our work and continue to build a society with more opportunities for everyone from technology, cooperation and innovation.
Today we look at the path we have traveled in these years and we can only say THANK YOU for the support and trust, for all those who have joined our mission and, like us, have believed that with technology, cooperation and innovation it is possible to overcome social gaps to have fairer and more equitable societies.